The clients must arrive Kathmandu at least three days prior to departure to Tibet tour as visa working days in Chinese embassy are - Every Monday, Wednusday and Friday only between 0900-1100 hrs.
In order to book a particular tour to Tibet we need the following details in advance:
1) Full name as it is in the passport
2) Passport number
3) Date of Birth
4) Sex
5) Occupation
6) Nationality
7) Passport expiry date
There are regular three flights a week to Lhasa from Kathmandu or vice versa from April to End of October. The days are Every Tuesday, Thrusday and Saturday.
Still Cameras, home video Cameras, and 8 mm movie cameras are allowed into China but special permission is needed for 16 mm and 35 mm movie cameras.There are strict control over taking pictures inside the monasteris, but upon paying certain fees , a monk may allow to take few pictures.
We recommoned that you insure yourself against sickness, EMERGENCY RESCUE, accident, hospitalization, cancellation etc. as we accept no responsibility for damages and expenses which may arise from mishaps to persons or their belongings during these pilrgrimages.
At present no health certificates or iniculations are required for entry into Tibet. However because of the rugged mountainous terrain, high altituded and non availability of good medical facilities, we require that you be certified by a Doctor to be medically fit for high altitude travel. It is advisable to carry the following medicines: insect repellents, band aids, throat lozenges, antibiotic ointment, aspirins, sleeping pills and medication for body ach, cold and antimotion sickness. At altitudes it is advisable not to exert oneself and drink plenty of fluids but little alcohal.
May to Sept -Best time for visit. Though there can be landslides but can be overcome.
Apr & Oct - Moderate
Nov to Mar -Very cold
The climate in Tibet can be extreme varying from 25 C. in the day time to -5 C to -10 C. at night. Winds blow at a speed of 50-60 kms per hour, and at times
1) RESPONSIBILITY - All arrangements within Tibets are solely at the discretion of the China Tibet Tourisn Bureau (CTTB), a gvernment organigation, CTTB reserves the right to change itinraries without advance notice, depending on the weather and road conditions.
2) REFUND - If CTTB doesnot operate particular tour, a full refund will be made of the tour and such refund will absolve Friendship Nepal Tours and Travels(P) ltd, Kathmanddu. of any responsibility.
3) PAYMENTS - A 20 % deposit must be sent at least 15 days before in favour of Friendship Nepal Tours and Travels(P) ltd, Kathmanddu. The balance payment must reach us 10 days from the date of departure.
4) CANCELLATION - Due to the travel policy of the Chinese authorities, the following cancellation charges will be applicable on individual tour departure.
Less than 20 (twenty) days ----50% of the tour cost & airfare.
Less than 10 (Ten) days ----No refund on the tour cost & air fare.
5) RESTRICTIONS - Do not carry any Dalai Lama's pictures, free Tibet posters or T shirts, Tibetain flags or any political Magazines or book.